Saturday, September 02, 2006

Day 5: Mmmm, cheeseburger....

For the first time on this extraordinary journey, I slept late into the morning and had a big, leisurely breakfast. We were planning a day hike up an adjacent canyon, but I chose to head downstream, hoping to find a nice place to explore, read and nap the afternoon away.

I was surprised to find an established campground, complete with picnic tables, not five minutes down the trail. I was even more surprised to find my own car another five minutes beyond that! Unable to resist the temptation, I drove to town seeking real food – I can only take so much of my homemade, dehydrated, refried beans, no matter how tasty they are.

I drove into the tiny town of Baker and immediately met some fascinating people. Two rather hairy and unkempt, but very friendly men who were 6 weeks into cycling across the entire country were a table and conversation with me. They were heading to Burning Man, a music festival in the middle of the Nevada desert, before heading on to their finish line in San Francisco. Their stories were made all the more enjoyable with a fantastic burger at the charming Lectrolux CafĂ©, home to the world’s best brownie (seriously, go try it).

I made it back to camp about the same time as the others and confessed all to them. We moved camp down to the campground and spent our last night with a bit more luxury.

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