Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Town Halls, etc.

Regarding today's Town Hall in New Hampshire (the one where Obama had the crowd bussed in from Massachusetts):

Chris Matthews is possibly the biggest asshole in the country, just look at the way he treats people...

Matthews tries to bait the guy into bringing up the birth certificate "issue" in an effort to destroy the guest's credibility.

Bottom line, this man was not AT the event. He was outside the secure perimeter established by Secret Service. Most importantly, no laws were being broken!

"Who would be silly enough to carry an unloaded firearm?" LOL - WIN

SEIU and ACORN members are attending these town halls and inciting violence. This man took responsibility for his own safety while simultaneously making a powerful statement for individual liberties.

Bravo Kostric. You have some mighty brass balls indeed...

Matthews got owned so hard.

Matthews went into it thinking he was going to tear the guy apart, but Mr. Kostric handled himself with amazing restraint and conviction, ultimately emerging triumphant against his morally and logically inferior opponent Mr. Matthews.

In other news, MY representative (Jim Matheson) is apparently refusing to even hold a Town Hall meeting on health care. I guess he is understandably terrified of his constituents.

The whole reason that Obama and his ilk are rushing one destructive bill after another through congress is because they know that if people have time to slow down and think about it, they are much less likely to be led astray!

Don't forget that while They are dangling health care out there, the fed is busy monetizing our debt, thus further destroying the dollar/our economy.

Never let them distract you from what they are actually doing!

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